Documents and Statements

Consumer API > API Reference > v0 > Documents and Statements


The Documents object represents financial documents that a user has such as statements, notices, tax documents, and other documents.

This object includes information on the enrollment, disclosure acceptance, listing and downloading documents for a user.


Several API calls determine whether documents APIs are supported for a user:

  1. The abilities.documents property is true from the User-Specific Institution Abilities endpoint.
  2. There exists at least 1 document type in the documentTypes array from the Institution Settings for Documents endpoint.

Additionally, users may be required to be enrolled in electronic statements before they can retrieve them digitally.

Determine Whether a User is Enrolled

The deliverySettings object on the Institution Settings for Documents endpoint indicates how to check enrollment for a user and account.

  1. If the deliverySettings object is null or does not exist, no enrollment is required.
  2. If the deliverySettings.enrollmentFlow has the value perAccount, the settings.deliveryMethod from the Per-account Settings endpoint must have a value of either electronic or bothPaperAndElectronic.
  3. If the deliverySettings.enrollmentFlow has the value allOrNone, the settings.deliveryMethod from the All-accounts Settings endpoint must have a value of either electronic or bothPaperAndElectronic.


See the API Reference.

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Last updated Tue Dec 6 2022