Public Key + Private Key

Admin API > Overview > Authentication > Public Key + Private Key

Part of the authentication process requires managing a Public Key + Private Key pair.

Private key

The Private Key remains solely in your possession and must be kept secret. This is what you will use to create the signed JSON Web Token (JWT) when authenticating with the API.

You’ll know that you are viewing a Private Key if the content begins with:

[content omitted]

Security considerations

Do not share the Private Key via unsecured channels (e.g. email or instant messaging).

It is important to keep the Private Key secret and not leak it through some kind of frontend, client-accessible JavaScript call.

Similarly, do not commit the Private Key to your source code repository.

Public key

The Public Key is configured as part of an External Application in the Users & Groups app within Banno. The back office administrator at your financial institution can do this for you in the Users & Groups section of Banno.

You’ll know that you are viewing a Public Key if the content looks like this:

[content omitted]
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Security considerations

The Public Key is used to verify that API requests which claim to be from your External Application do in fact originate from your application.

Generating a public key + private key pair

You can generate the Public Key + Private Key pair in various ways on different platforms. One option is to use OpenSSL.

Note that the key size should be at least 2048 bits.

Step 1. Create the private key

Command Line
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private.pem

External Resource:

Step 2. Create the public key in .PEM format

Command Line
openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

External Resource:

The Public Key, in .pem format, is a text file and can be viewed with a text editor.

You may need to configure your text editor to open .pem formatted files.

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Last updated Mon Jul 17 2023