Accessing the Digital Toolkit

Accessing the Digital Toolkit

This guide walks you through:

  • Signing up for a developer account
  • Creating a test user
  • Generating an external application
  • Configuring a plugin

If you run into issues with either of these situations…

  • Signing up for the first time
  • Logging in again after previously signing up

… then try stepping through the Troubleshooting page.

Signing up for a developer account

First, let’s sign up for a developer account.

Begin by opening the page in your browser.

Get access to API credentials banner

Press the Sign up button in the Get access to API credentials section.

The Sign in page displays.

Sign in with Google

After you’ve read the Terms & Conditions, press the Sign in with Google button. If necessary, log into your Google account.

We currently only support signing in with Google.
Before you continue

In the Before you continue page:

  • Enter a US phone number for receiving two-factor authentication (2FA) codes.
  • Press the Save button to continue.
You must use a United States phone number to work with this environment.

Creating a test user

Next, let’s create a test user for you to use in the Garden demo institution.

Press the Generate test user button in the Test user card in the developer dashboard.

Generate test user

After the user has been created, press the Enroll in Garden button to open the Garden demo institution in a new browser tab.

Enroll in Garden

In the New user enrollment page, fill out the form using information from your developer dashboard:

  • For the Social Security number field, enter the SSN number from the Test user card.
  • For the Account number field, enter the Checking account or Savings account from the Test user card.
  • For the Email field, enter the email address for the Google account you used in the Sign in with Google page.
  • For the Phone field, enter the phone number you entered in the Before you continue page.
New user enrollment

Press the Next button.

Your test user now exists in the Garden demo institution and is ready for enrollment.

Enroll the test user in 2FA and create username and password

Next let’s enroll your test user in 2FA and create a username and password for the Garden demo institution.

In the Protect your account with 2-step verification page, press the Get started button.

Protect your account with two-step verification

Select an option to specify your preferred 2FA verification method.

Choose your verification method

Enter the phone number you previously entered in the Before you continue page, then press the Next button.

You must use a United States phone number to work with this environment.
Let's set up your phone

Select your preferred 2FA code retrieval method, then press the Send code button.

How do you want to get codes?

Enter the one-time 2FA code that you just received, press the Verify button, then press the Done button.

Confirm phone number

After verifying, review the EULA, check the checkbox, then press the Accept button.


Next, enter a username and password, confirm the password, then press the Next button.

Create credentials

Now that your test user has been enrolled in the Garden demo institution, you’re ready to return to the developer dashboard and confirm enrollment.

Confirm enrollment

Next, let’s confirm that your test user is enrolled in the Garden demo institution.

Open the developer dashboard in your browser:

In the Test user card, press the Confirm enrollment button.

Confirm enrollment

Once enrollment has been verified, you’ll notice the Plugin configuration card and Build external applications card both become active.

Cards active in the developer dashboard

Generating and configuring a plugin

Next, let’s create a plugin for testing in the Garden demo institution.

First, open the developer dashboard in your browser:

Generate basic plugin

Press the Generate basic plugin button in the Plugin configuration card.

Plugin configuration

A form displays in the Plugin configuration card. Enter values that are appropriate for your plugin, then press the Save button.

Note that the plugin is initially generated with these defaults, which are each editable:

  • Title: [Username’s] Test Plugin
  • Description: Sample Digital Toolkit application for [Username]
  • Initial height: 300 [pixels]
  • Card action label: View more

Building an external application

Next let’s configure your external application for testing in the Garden demo institution.

Open the developer dashboard in your browser:

External application setup

Enter your application’s primary redirect URI in the Primary redirect URI field in the Build external applications card.

If you need a secondary redirect URI, press the + Secondary redirect URI button to add another Redirect URI and enter the value.

Secure Redirect URIs

Redirect URIs must use HTTPS except in local development. HTTPS is required for all production redirect URIs to properly secure the connection between your application and our API.

The only exception is for local development. The following is a list of local options which are included in the HTTP allowlist:

  • Host names of localhost or those that end in .local
  • Any address in the IPv4 range of,,, or (which includes

Press the Save button.

Default redirect URIs

The External Application is initially generated with two default Redirect URIs, each of which is editable:

Next steps

Download the Mobile Apps for the Garden demo institution

The Banno Mobile apps for the Garden demo institution are available on Google Play and the App Store.

Review the Getting Started pages for each part of the Digital Toolkit:

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Last updated Tue Jan 23 2024